Thursday, 28 July 2011

Favourite T-shirt

This was a favourite T-shirt of both my son and myself.  I thought it made him look really cute, and everytime it went back in the drawer he pulled it out again.  So it was a sad time when we deceided that really he had grown to big for it and it was time to pass it on.  Now most of my childrens clothes which I would consider as still wearable will go to friends or the charity bag, but I didn't really want to part with this one.  Then I remembered seeing somewhere, t-shirts being turned into cushions.  Now I am really sorry to that person but I can't find it anywhere, but had a go. 
I machine sewed the bottom and arm holes and then filled with stuffing,  I then stiched around the neckline.  My son was impressed and it now sits proudly in his bedroom.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Felt Flowers

I will confess that I am a bit of a craft magazine addict.  There are always so many lovely things to inspire.  A couple of days ago issue 3 of Mollie Makes dropped through my letterbox.  The free gift was a kit to make felt flower rings.  Now whilst these are very beautiful, they are not really the kind of thing I would normally wear.  However I was very excited about how easy they looked so attempted to make one of the flowers and then attached it to a hairclip for my daughter to wear.

I'm fairly pleased with the result and think I will be spending an evening infront of the TV making a couple more.  I wonder if  her friend would like them for her birthday present.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011


Well, here we are, my very own blog.  I would hate to think of the number of hours I have spent looking at other peoples blogs for inspiration.  Time I could have probably spent doing something more useful!  I hope you enjoy my blog and it will help to inspire someone else out there too.  Even if all I am doing is pointing you towards one of my favourites.  So I'd better go now and do one of those more useful things so I have something to blog about!